Yes! St Luke’s are providing Hampers this year
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So many locals have been asking if, given the difficult year, St Luke’s will be offering their regular Christmas Hampers.
Mother Eden said ”there have been been many enquires and I am very happy to confirmed that hampers will definitely be available.”
Hamper co-ordinator Adele Anderson added that some regular supporters had indicated that their support might be diminished slightly due to the difficult year.
St Luke’s however, suspect that this year demand might increase. ”We believe it is more important than ever to ensure our community enjoy Christmas” said Adele.
Everyone who feels they could benefit from a hamper is welcome to apply.
Forms are now available from the Op Shop, Community House and the Bendigo Bank.
This year forms need to be returned to the bank as the Church building is not unlocked.
Applications close on December1st and given the demands of ordering groceries this timeline is not flexible.