Why climate change is an irrelevance, economic growth is a myth and sustainability is forty years too late
Photo by Dazzle Jam from Pexels
Climate change is not the biggest threat to the world’s environment – we are. The world’s rivers and seas aren’t choked with floating piles of rubbish, toxic chemicals and plastic waste because of climate change.
Read this article from Global Comment here
This article hits the nail squarely on the head Michael, a mark and message that as a race, we all turn a deaf ear to and seek to deny or at best defer action to address it! As a species humans are greedy, self serving and irresponsible.
Sadly, there are too few individuals who spread the message…and even fewer who listen, learn and change the way they live to take positive actions and start to address the issue.
Sadly 99% or more of people think “IT”S ALL TOO HARD and, besides whatever I do wont change anything so I’ll happily continue my lifestyle …after all I wont be here when the real problems appear! It’s the next generations problem” …..and they may well be right…….but they, or I should say ….. we as a species are wrong, our planet will be better off once ‘we’ wipe ourselves out!!
Take a look at “virtual water” (https://21stcenturychallenges.org/what-is-virtual-water/) just to get a feel of how wasteful we are. Do we all need 8 pair of jeans?
Keep up the good work posting thought provoking articles ….it all helps grow awareness and invite action.
Thanks for the comment Russ. Well said. I have posted eye opening article.