Rainfall Report to end of May 2020
Yea received 52.9mm of rainfall in May. This was 3.5mm below the May average of 56.4mm. Therefore the rainfall was 3.5mm or 6.21% below average.
Rainfall for the year to the end of May totals 415.3mm against a historical average of 225.9mm. This equates to 189.4mm or 83.84% above the historical average.
NOTE: With the rainfall recorded over the first 2 days of June, Yea has now received more rainfall than for the entire 12 months of 2019.
Only problem is that our weeds are growing enthusiastically. However can’t see them at the moment through the fog. Like the new weather picture – sums things up nicely.
Hi Jill, Thanks for the comment. I was supposed to be in Thailand now, but thanks to Covid I’m stuck here in the cold and fog. Glad you enjoyed the image.