June Rainfall Above Average but Half Yearly Still Well Down
Yea received 73.4mm of rainfall in June. This was 24.3mm above the June average of 59.1mm. Therefore the rainfall was 24.3mm or 32.8% above average.
Rainfall for the year to the end of June totals 199.2mm against a historical average of 284.8mm. This equates to 85.6mm or 30% below the historical average.
Hi Michael, is this the official Yea rainfall recording? nothing has appeared on the BOM Yea recording page since June 9.
Graeme C
Hi Graeme, sorry about the slow reply. The readings for June were taken from a gauge in my back yard. There is a move afoot to solve the BOM recording issue. Contact Bec Bowles if you need to know more.
Thanks Michael, I am extremely disappointed that after 130 years of diligent daily recording it appears our local official rainfall recording has fallen by the wayside. I hope this issue can be resolved quickly and the task be given to a responsible person located centrally in the town.