I discovered a great Weather App – Ventusky

I discovered a great Weather App – Ventusky

The app combines highly accurate weather forecast for your location with a 3D map showing development of weather in a broader area in a very interesting way. This allows you to see where precipitation is going to come from or where the wind is blowing from. The...
Managing water levels at Lake Eildon – 16th August

Managing water levels at Lake Eildon – 16th August

Lake Eildon is currently close to full capacity. This can largely be attributed to the higher than average rainfall stemming from three consecutive La Niña events and a negative Indian Ocean Dipole. Last year (2022) was only the third time since records began in 1900...
Watt Matters Newsletter – August 2023

Watt Matters Newsletter – August 2023

Renewables are advancing rapidly and an increasing number of opportunities are on offer. To keep members up to date, Watt Matters will post fewer articles at a time, but more frequently. We hope Watt Matters is keeping you curious and informed about renewable energy...