by Michael Minter | 21-08-20
La Nina: Australia set for the most rain in a decade Image from Australia could be in for the most rain it has seen in almost a decade according to a crucial climate driver, the Bureau of Meteorology says. The bureau moved its La Niña likelihood from watch...
by Michael Minter | 08-01-20
Bureau of Meteorology predicts cyclones could spur shift to milder, wetter weather Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels The extraordinary heat that has roasted national records is unlikely to return this summer, raising hopes that one of the drivers of extreme fire...
by Michael Minter | 12-12-19
No rain until MAY: As experts warn of worst bushfire season ever Image from The Bureau of Meteorology made the stark warning for New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria at a meeting of state and federal ministers in the regional New South Wales town of...