by Michael Minter | 20-10-24
New river height measuring points have been added to the Yea and Murrindindi rivers. To access these points go to “YEA RIVER HEIGHT AT YEA” under the “WEATHER LINKS” section. Click the “Next Station” or “Previous...
by Michael Minter | 03-09-24
On Friday September 13th Murrindindi Film Society will end it’s current season with a screening of Paul Cox’s 2000 film “Innocence”. The screening will again take place in the supper room behind the Town Hall and doors will be open at 6.45 p.m. Described as an...
by Michael Minter | 28-08-24
Yea River Landcare is screening Rachel’s Farm on Friday 13th September @ 6.30pm at the Yea Butter Factory. Supper is provided. It’s $5 members, $10 non-members, kids are free. Everyone is welcome. It’s an entertaining film, based on the challenges...
by Michael Minter | 19-10-23
With good news for Yea, we announce the success of our application for funding to do a business case for a community battery. In ‘Holding up the sky’ we tackle some of the issues around transmission towers. View the Newsletter...
by Michael Minter | 06-10-23
This very informative flood guide for Yea was produced by the SES. In particular it compares the Yea river height at Devlins Bridge and the effect on the Yea township. NOTE: The document was produced before the October 2022...
by Michael Minter | 03-09-23
The app combines highly accurate weather forecast for your location with a 3D map showing development of weather in a broader area in a very interesting way. This allows you to see where precipitation is going to come from or where the wind is blowing from. The...